2025 Board Members
The Cedar Boat Club is 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Our membership is limited by charter to no more than 150 members. Our board consists of 6 members who are elected for 3-year terms.
2025 CBC Board Members
Jim "Jimmy" Kaas
Brent Fountain
Position TBD
Email Brent -
Chad Hutchcroft
Position TBD
Position TBD
Cruise Captain
Wes Pudil
Position TBD
Jeff McLaud
Position TBD
Jeffrey Kaas, board term on hold for educational leave
Jim Kaas: Commodore in 2006, 2007, 2014, 2015, 2016, and now.
Brent Fountain: Commodore in 2023 and 2024.
Jim Kaas is the husband of Elissa Kaas, Commodore in 2008.
Brent Fountain is the son of Chuck Fountain, Commodore in 1987.
Jeffrey Kaas is the son of Jim “Jimmy” Kaas, Commodore in 2006, 2007, 2014, 2015, and 2016.
Also the son of Elissa Kaas, Commodore in 2008.
Contacts of Interest
Webmaster - Jeffrey Kaas
Email: jkaas@cedarboatclub.org
Phone: Please email for phone number
Please DO NOT send unsolicited email offers such as website proposals, etc. they will be ignored.