The Flood of 2008
Jim Kaas flew his plane around the city on the days of the 2008 flood, taking aerial photos with other photographers that show the true devastation the 2008 flood caused to Cedar Rapids and the Ellis Harbor.
Do NOT re-distribute these photos without giving credit to the Cedar Boat Club and/or Jim Kaas. Contact the webmaster with any questions.
Saturday, June 14th, 2008
This was the first day that boathouses started going downriver to the railroad bridge downtown, and more destruction was caused as a result.
Sunday, June 15th, 2008
While these are not aerial photos, Jim and other helpers went out and took multiple photos, along with attempting to recover Jim’s boathouses.
Monday, June 16th, 2008
Aerial photos of the destruction caused by the flood taken by Jim Kaas.
You can see multiple boathouses lined up along the railroad bridge, many of which were pushed under the bridge and destroyed when waters came down a little.
Destruction of part of a boathouse that was attempted to be towed to safety